Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / Live-act

Relevant Tags – Live act psytrance Psychedelic

11 - 20 of 20 results:

Electric Universe page

Electric Universe

Official site of psytrance master Boris BlennĀ“s project Electric Universe

Date Added:Dec 23, 2008    Visits:267

Tags:  - full on - label - electronic music - Germany - dance - goatrance - international - Live act - Records - psytrance artist - Electric Universe

Cortex page


Cortex (Boundless music - Jet Lag Crew) is the psytrance project of Assaf Weizmann from the South of Israel.

Date Added:Feb 1, 2009    Visits:61

Tags:  - Israel - psytrance - full on - Psychedelic - Live act - Boundless Music - Cortex - Jet Lag - Assaf Weizmann

Oaxaca Electronico page

Oaxaca Electronico

Events organizer and music promotion in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.

Date Added:Jan 6, 2009    Visits:597

Tags:  - festivals - psytrance - progressive trance - dj - minimal - mexico - electronic music - promotion - Live act - party organizer - oaxaca

AJJA page


AJJA S.F. LEU is an eclectic and multi-talented Swiss artist who channels his creativity through parallel careers as musician/producer/dj, Peak Records label manager, graphic artist and tattoo artist.

Date Added:Jan 25, 2009    Visits:117

Tags:  - psychedelic trance - artist - downtempo - Live act - chill - ajja - S.F. Leu - yab yum - the peaking goddess collective - peak records

Sismic page


This is the website of Sismic, here you can listen to the last psychedelic full on tracks made by Sismic and also the Sismic last live dates!

Date Added:Feb 4, 2009    Visits:91

Tags:  - trance - Psychedelic - fullon - Live act - psytrance artist - sismic - vortex of emotions - Gaiatech

m4nos page


Tribal sounds of South America. Psychedelic trance live act.

Date Added:Feb 26, 2009    Visits:74

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Psychedelic - tribal - Live act - twilight psy - percusion - organic instruments - light - spiritual - m4nos

Snag, the Sunshepherd live act project website page

Snag, the Sunshepherd live act project website

Downloadable DJ mixes, tracks to listen, biography etc.

Date Added:Mar 17, 2009    Visits:76

Tags:  - psytrance - full on - dj - psy - goa - Live act - Hungary - Snag - Sunshepherd

Andromeda - Scandinavian Progressive page

Andromeda - Scandinavian Progressive

Andromeda is one of the most well known artists from the northern hemisphere.

Date Added:Mar 17, 2009    Visits:89

Tags:  - progressive - Live act - scandinavia - Chromosome - Andromeda - Remixes - Sensation - Temptation - Equi - librium - Psyprogressive

GOE page


fresh breeze? - swiss breeze!
producer and liveact in fullon psytrance

Date Added:Nov 3, 2009    Visits:119

Tags:  - psytrance - psychedelic trance - artist - fullon - goa trance - goatrance - Producer - Live act - switzerland - goe



odradek's official website .
live psychedelic trance rock

Date Added:Apr 24, 2010    Visits:30

Tags:  - trance - psy - Psychedelic - Live act - rock - band - Odradek

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