Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / USA + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + progressive

Relevant Tags – USA psytrance progressive

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Terrakroma - US West Coast Progressive Psytrance page

Terrakroma - US West Coast Progressive Psytrance

Our community has a heavy focus on more progressive styles of psytrance. We are a likeminded community of musicians, DJs, bands, promoters, organizers, deco artists, performers, and family members. We gather regularly and look forward to seeing you soon.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:374

Tags:  - community - psytrance - techno - psychill - progressive - USA - terrakroma - culturefamily - west coast

Gaian Mind page

Gaian Mind

Since 1996, Philadelphia (PA, USA) based Psytrance collective, GAIAN MIND, has been producing distinctive, Goa-styled events in nightclubs and at outdoor locations throughout North America.

Date Added:Dec 17, 2008    Visits:314

Tags:  - parties - chillout - psytrance - darkpsy - Psychedelic - ambient - progressive - goa trance - USA - festival - Gaian Mind

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