Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / canada + psytrance
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The world's #1 source for free and legal psytrance downloads. In-house netlabel operations, artist and DJ profiles, event listings, and booking agency.
Date Added:Oct 3, 2008 Visits:3468
Jester Records
Montreal based Techno Trance label now in expansion towards more full-on sounds. Own and ran by Vinny, DJ Clown. First CD release titled REWIRED featuring Spirallianz, Authentik, Three Point Turn, Nuclear Ramjet, Triac + more.
Date Added:Nov 22, 2008 Visits:346
Psy Trance Production company and club night in Vancouver, Canada
Date Added:Dec 23, 2008 Visits:734
Cosmic Orgasm
Cosmic Orgasm is a Montreal based psytrance live act.
Date Added:Mar 17, 2009 Visits:220