Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / darkpsy + Brazil

Relevant Tags – Brazil darkpsy Psychedelic

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Mind Tweakers Records page

Mind Tweakers Records

Mind Tweakers Records is a net label based in Brasil and it works with the best there is in psychedelic oriented electronic music. Mind Tweakers release Full-On, Dark Psychedelic, Ambient / Chill-Out and Progressive Psychedelic.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:1384

Tags:  - chillout - psytrance - progressive trance - darkpsy - Psychedelic - ambient - electronic music - netlabel - fullon - Brazil

Bash / Kernel Panic page

Bash / Kernel Panic

Bash is working for the Dark Psychedelic scene with a fast and psychedelic sound but, at the same time, a reflective and groove sound.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:83

Tags:  - darkpsy - Psychedelic - Bash - Kernel Panic - Mind Tweakers - Discovalley - 2to6 records - Mental Music - dead tree productions - Brazil

xaBBu page


Myspace residence of psytrance/night psy artist xaBBu.
He is also the mastering engineer for 2to6 Records, the new label ran by Electrypnose (Vince le Barde from Switzerland) and Psyhaama (Louiz from Brazil).

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:211

Tags:  - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - night trance - Mastering - 2to6 records - Brazil - mastering studio - xaBBu

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