Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / darkpsy + music
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PsyKe Out - PsyTrance Internet Radio Show Archive & Resource
Archive of recordings from the PsyTrance Internet Radio show PsyKe Out which ran for around 6 years,covering styles from Progressive/Full on in earlier years and moving to primarily DarkPsy and some Full on in later years.Site also offers other resources!
Date Added:Dec 17, 2008 Visits:586
Dark Psy & Ambient Culture
Darkpsy & Ambient Culture is a general Darkpsy & Ambient related platform, where a young talented crew gets a chance to present themselves and their music.
Date Added:Feb 1, 2009 Visits:270
JYRO (DarkPsy)
The Official Website of JYRO, Darksy artist from Greece!
All releases,videos,photos,past and upcoming and events can be found here!
Cannibals Enjoy..