Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / experimental + Psychedelic
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....Music for the mind is the connection for all those unique emotions that we cannot describe....
Date Added:Dec 12, 2008 Visits:73
Guinea Pigs- Pure Dance Floor Music
The official website of Guinea Pigs. Psychedelic Trance project. Free tracks for download, booking info and more.
Date Added:Dec 8, 2008 Visits:357
Ajana Records
The musical spectrum ranges from psychedelic chillout and ambient to experimental downbeat music.
Ajana Records releases quality music from talented producers around the globe.
Website of electronic artist Yuminale. News, music links, shop, listen, download and more.
Date Added:Apr 24, 2010 Visits:37
Cameron Steele
Dark, experimental, electronic/acoustic, antifolk/counter-culture music under Creative Commons licensing available for download on a choose-your-own-price system.
Date Added:Jul 2, 2011 Visits:54