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A solid new media platform for the development of electronic music talent
Date Added:Oct 7, 2008 Visits:2173
...reality, as an existing quality rather than imagined; actually depends more or less on imagination for its existence. A Psylent Harmony...
Free Psytrance MP3 Downloads. Psychedelic Trance blog offering links to free, demo, and Creative Commons psytrance music downloads.
Date Added:Dec 29, 2008 Visits:7750
Mahamudra is a Trance/electronic project based in the south of israel.
Members: Ran Malka (1979), Eyal Cohen (1977) Sagiv Ben-Giat (1982).
I produce Trance, Freetek, PsyTrance and experimental music. Please listen to my music and give me comments.
Date Added:Mar 17, 2009 Visits:761the world's #1 source for free and legal psytrance, techno, and downtempo music in MP3, FLAC, and WAV format, no registration required! Here is the latest from the Ektoplazm netlabel family: Ektoplazm (psytrance), Drumlore (progressive/techno), and Omnit
Date Added:Jun 23, 2010 Visits:1209