Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / goa + dj + festival
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Live act and DJ collective - the band's Myspace page contains information about their long history, their releases, gigs, audio clips, photos, live videos, links to their full discography, and contact and booking details.
Date Added:Nov 27, 2008 Visits:246
VUUV Festival | Mother of all Goa Festivals
Thousands of people, one message: happiness. You experience it individually and yet together. Isn't that the spirit of the music we all love so much? That´s the VUUV vibe!
Date Added:May 13, 2009 Visits:206
GOAway - A Psychedelic Dance Community
Psyberspace for Goa Aliens on Trance Trips
Date Added:May 9, 2010 Visits:383