Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / goa + psytrance + dj

Relevant Tags – dj goa psytrance

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Dj Alloro Cohen Tal  page

Dj Alloro Cohen Tal

Dj Alloro Cohen Tal Myspace site
free dj sets.

Date Added:Oct 20, 2008    Visits:1661

Tags:  - trance - chillout - psytrance - dj - minimal - techno - goa - Psychedelic - ambient - download - set

OOOD page


Live act and DJ collective - the band's Myspace page contains information about their long history, their releases, gigs, audio clips, photos, live videos, links to their full discography, and contact and booking details.

Date Added:Nov 27, 2008    Visits:246

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - booking - dj - goa - DJs - Live act - party - festival - oood - headline - o.o.o.d - performance

b2ACT page


Goa, Darkpsy, Psytrance DJ / Artist, MP3 tracks & mixes.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:212

Tags:  - psytrance - darkpsy - dj - psy - goa - Dark - goatrance - goagemeinde - - b2act

Psysmael Myspace page

Psysmael Myspace

Dj Psysmael is a Dj, Organiser, Promoter, Music Producer and Sound Engineer from Switzerland, he mixes Psytrance as Psysmael, Chill out and Dub as ChillMael, Reggae & Roots as I-Smash and electro and Mish Mash as ISMASH

Date Added:Dec 19, 2008    Visits:42

Tags:  - psytrance - dj - goa - myspace - BMSS - Psysmael - switzerland - Freak - Percussion - Freak Time - Save the Freaks

Snag, the Sunshepherd live act project website page

Snag, the Sunshepherd live act project website

Downloadable DJ mixes, tracks to listen, biography etc.

Date Added:Mar 17, 2009    Visits:76

Tags:  - psytrance - full on - dj - psy - goa - Live act - Hungary - Snag - Sunshepherd

GOAway - A Psychedelic Dance Community page

GOAway - A Psychedelic Dance Community

Psyberspace for Goa Aliens on Trance Trips

Date Added:May 9, 2010    Visits:383

Tags:  - trance - community - psytrance - dj - goa - Berlin - party - blog - festival - hamburg - Goahighway

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