Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / goa + psytrance + netlabel

Relevant Tags – netlabel psytrance goa

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Mind-Expansion music page

Mind-Expansion music

The focus of the Label is to explore the sonic possibilities of psychedelic trance creations within a high level of production quality from artists around the globe to lift up peoples minds into a new and higher state of conciousness!

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:7254

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - goa - mp3 - wav - netlabel - Shop - downloads - mind-expansion - dark psy - music download - bass

       Ektoplazm:  Free Music Portal and Psytrance Netlabel page

Ektoplazm: Free Music Portal and Psytrance Netlabel

the world's #1 source for free and legal psytrance, techno, and downtempo music in MP3, FLAC, and WAV format, no registration required! Here is the latest from the Ektoplazm netlabel family: Ektoplazm (psytrance), Drumlore (progressive/techno), and Omnit

Date Added:Jun 23, 2010    Visits:1209

Tags:  - portal - psytrance - darkpsy - techno - goa - downtempo - netlabel - free downloads - suomi - full-on - Psybreaks - Ektoplazm

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