Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / label + trance + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + progressive

Relevant Tags – progressive label trance

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UP Records Australia page

UP Records Australia

A Psychedelic music label from Australia. UP Records was founded in 2004 by Francis Frey and Alex Heilpern as a side label of SunDance Records. As time progressed the label found its own feet and was no longer a side label.

Date Added:Nov 20, 2008    Visits:428

Tags:  - trance - Psychedelic - label - ambient - electronic music - progressive - Australia - dubstep - sydney - Up Records

Tribal Vision page

Tribal Vision

record label & booking agency

Date Added:Nov 3, 2009    Visits:317

Tags:  - trance - techno - label - house - progressive - Booking Agency - Tribal Vision

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