Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / netlabel + house

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FatureNet Recordings page

FatureNet Recordings

FatureNet Recordings was established in November 2008 and is an open netlabel.
We strive to deliver high quality digital releases under the creative commons license and have a very open mind about music.

Date Added:May 9, 2010    Visits:217

Tags:  - electronica - electronic music - Drum'n'Bass - house - netlabel - breakbeat - fature - FatureNet Recordings

Prozent Music page

Prozent Music

Prozent Music is a German net-label created in February 2009. The label is set to release and promote the minimal techno and techhouse music.

Date Added:May 9, 2010    Visits:279

Tags:  - minimal - techno - house - netlabel - techhouse - tech house - Prozent Music

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