Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / netlabel + label
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Node3 Records
Node3 Records is mix of Netlabel and conventional record label for the release of original, creative and experimental music: ambient; chillout; dark ambient; drone music; dub; psybient; psydub.
Date Added:Oct 14, 2008 Visits:1555
x1280720 - elecronica netlabel
Electronica netlabel founded by electronica producer and VJ Matthew Greasley.
Date Added:Oct 31, 2008 Visits:730
Redline Park
Redline Park is a subscription-based Internet music label
featuring adventurous, experimental and innovative music.
Psyderweb Records Netlabel
Psychedelic Netlabel who releases free music by talented artists.
Date Added:Apr 24, 2010 Visits:859