Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psytrance + Psychedelic

Relevant Tags – psytrance Psychedelic trance

41 - 50 of 67 results:

Metatron Production page

Metatron Production

Metatron Production was established in 2005 by Aran Oren & represents a new wave of uplifting styles in psychedelic trance music, floating between the Psychedelic and the full full on side.

Date Added:Dec 11, 2008    Visits:284

Tags:  - trance - Israel - psytrance - dj - artist - Psychedelic - label - Metatron Productions - Sidhartha - Techndrome

Gaian Mind page

Gaian Mind

Since 1996, Philadelphia (PA, USA) based Psytrance collective, GAIAN MIND, has been producing distinctive, Goa-styled events in nightclubs and at outdoor locations throughout North America.

Date Added:Dec 17, 2008    Visits:314

Tags:  - parties - chillout - psytrance - darkpsy - Psychedelic - ambient - progressive - goa trance - USA - festival - Gaian Mind

Indidginus page


Evocative electronica - good mood music.

Date Added:Dec 23, 2008    Visits:324

Tags:  - trance - chillout - psytrance - Psychedelic - downtempo - ambient - downbeat - electronica - Electronic - psybient - indidginus

Organic Dream page

Organic Dream

Organic Dream is a events & party organizer from Greece.
Our aim: through music and dance we hope to bring people from all walls of life, from all creeds and colours together and unite them.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:309

Tags:  - festivals - psytrance - goa - Psychedelic - downbeat - party organiser - events - psy trance - goatrance - party - Greece - Organic Dream

Cortex page


Cortex (Boundless music - Jet Lag Crew) is the psytrance project of Assaf Weizmann from the South of Israel.

Date Added:Feb 1, 2009    Visits:61

Tags:  - Israel - psytrance - full on - Psychedelic - Live act - Boundless Music - Cortex - Jet Lag - Assaf Weizmann

TUA   page


..::TUA::..Trance Union Alchemy
Italian parties organizers and UV deco

Date Added:Jan 4, 2009    Visits:273

Tags:  - psytrance - Psychedelic - events - goatrance - chill out - party - uv - italy - deco - party organizer - visuals

Crystalien page


Welcome to the audio psychedelic paradise of Crystalien.Enjoy the melodic vibes, catch on the wide bass and be capltured by the heavy metal madness. Feel at a party... right now, right here! : )

Date Added:Feb 23, 2009    Visits:314

Tags:  - trance - Israel - psytrance - psychedelic trance - full on - goa - Psychedelic - progressive - melodic - graphics - heavy metal - Crystalien

Insert Collective Rec. page

Insert Collective Rec.

Insert Collective Rec. is a digital label created to middle of 2007 to north of Mexico in Monterrey City, by Henry R. aka Utopic Dreams. Created with intention of promotion to news talent of the amazing country of México.

Date Added:Feb 23, 2009    Visits:192

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - mexico - Psychedelic - label - digital - Utopic Dreams - Insert Collective

Utopic Dreams  page

Utopic Dreams

Myspace page of Henry Riojas a.k.a. Utopic Dreams. Born in the city of Monclova Coahuila in the north of Mexico, in March, 1982.

Date Added:Feb 23, 2009    Visits:53

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - mexico - Psychedelic - Utopic Dreams - Insert Collective

m4nos page


Tribal sounds of South America. Psychedelic trance live act.

Date Added:Feb 26, 2009    Visits:74

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Psychedelic - tribal - Live act - twilight psy - percusion - organic instruments - light - spiritual - m4nos

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