Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / trance + label + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + music
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BMSS / Bruder Mond Schwester Sonne / Brother Moon Sister Sun
A collective organising gatherings all over Europe with the aim for connecting the global scene with all its distinction and subgenres. Home of many artists from Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Slovakia. Feel welcome and take a look... :)
Date Added:Nov 18, 2008 Visits:257
Night Oracle Records
Psychedelic Trance record label based in Athens, Greece.
Date Added:Nov 19, 2008 Visits:1859
Jester Records
Montreal based Techno Trance label now in expansion towards more full-on sounds. Own and ran by Vinny, DJ Clown. First CD release titled REWIRED featuring Spirallianz, Authentik, Three Point Turn, Nuclear Ramjet, Triac + more.
Date Added:Nov 22, 2008 Visits:346