Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / Dark + D-A-R-K-Records + D-A-R-K-Records + D-A-R-K-Records + D-A-R-K-Records + psy

Relevant Tags – psy Dark Psychedelic

1 - 10 of 11 results:

Triplag Music page

Triplag Music

Triplag Music - psychedelic trance record label.

Date Added:Sep 29, 2008    Visits:503

Tags:  - trance - psy - Dark - Psychedelic - label - triplag - record - Far East Ghost - CPC - Diablos - Mephisto - Baal - Rawar - Oxidelic - Somarobotics - Zero-Blade - Neutral Ethos

Scared Evil Records Germany page

Scared Evil Records Germany

This is a Dark/Horror Psychedelic Trance Label based in Germany.

Date Added:Nov 21, 2008    Visits:677

Tags:  - trance - darkpsy - psy - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - label - Germany - horror - scared - evil

Dead Tree Productions page

Dead Tree Productions

Brazilian Obscure/Agressive PsyTrance Label.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:173

Tags:  - psy - Dark - Psychedelic - label - obscure - agressive - morbid - black sun - extreme deformities - Brazil

Anomalistic Records page

Anomalistic Records

Unique & experimental psychedelic electroninc music.

Date Added:Nov 27, 2008    Visits:415

Tags:  - psytrance - psy - Dark - label - experimental - anomalistic - facehead - weird

DigitalX page


Myspace page of DigitalX, psychedelic trance producer from Cyprus.

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:37

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - psy - Dark - triplag - cyprus - DigitalX - VOC - Dreamcatcher

Orestis page


....Music for the mind is the connection for all those unique emotions that we cannot describe....

Date Added:Dec 12, 2008    Visits:73

Tags:  - psytrance - psy - Dark - Psychedelic - electronica - music - experimental - Greece - Ravenous Minds - Orestis

b2ACT page


Goa, Darkpsy, Psytrance DJ / Artist, MP3 tracks & mixes.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:212

Tags:  - psytrance - darkpsy - dj - psy - goa - Dark - goatrance - goagemeinde - - b2act .:. Goa .:. Dark .:. Psy .:. Community page .:. Goa .:. Dark .:. Psy .:. Community

Goa / Dark / Psytrance Community with 24h Chat, DJs / Artists info, MP3 tracks & mixes download, Radio / Streaming, Party Info / Reviews, Photos / Videos, Blog, Newsletter, Events, Open Air, Indoor, Outdoor.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:213

Tags:  - community - dj - psy - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - goagemeinde - - b2act - goagemein - 604

Konflux — Music Producer and DJ page

Konflux — Music Producer and DJ

Konflux is a music producer and DJ based in California. He creates music in the genres of psytrance, progressive, techno and downtempo.

Date Added:May 13, 2009    Visits:109

Tags:  - psytrance - techno - psy - Dark - downtempo - progressive - California - groovy - konflux - night

Psyderweb Records Netlabel page

Psyderweb Records Netlabel

Psychedelic Netlabel who releases free music by talented artists.

Date Added:Apr 24, 2010    Visits:859

Tags:  - darkpsy - psy - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - label - netlabel - free downloads

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