Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / Dark + D-A-R-K-Records + D-A-R-K-Records + Psychedelic + D-A-R-K-Records

Relevant Tags – Psychedelic Dark trance

21 - 30 of 33 results:

Haunted Castle website  page

Haunted Castle website

The website of a hungarian psytrance project called Haunted Castle..

Date Added:Nov 30, 2008    Visits:54

Tags:  - trance - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - Hungary - killer - tegyélrá - igy - castle

Pixan Recordings page

Pixan Recordings

Pixan Recordings is an Italian based Psychedelic Trance label managed by DJ Tommi.

Date Added:Dec 1, 2008    Visits:38

Tags:  - Dark - Psychedelic - label - night trance - italy - ibiza - full face - pixan recordings - pixan - tommi - jocid

Fragletrollet page


Website of Fragletrollet, a freeform electronic music project.

Date Added:Dec 1, 2008    Visits:24

Tags:  - trance - Dark - Psychedelic - Norway - weird - far out - colors - sunshine - fast - suprise - good vibes - love

Orestis page


....Music for the mind is the connection for all those unique emotions that we cannot describe....

Date Added:Dec 12, 2008    Visits:73

Tags:  - psytrance - psy - Dark - Psychedelic - electronica - music - experimental - Greece - Ravenous Minds - Orestis

Devils Mind Records page

Devils Mind Records

Aural transmissions from the deep forests of Sweden!

Date Added:Dec 3, 2008    Visits:165

Tags:  - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - Psychedelic - forest - Sweden - örebro - kilsbergen - Devils Mind

NetrosysteM  page


Myspace page of Israeli trance artist Baruch a.k.a Netrosystem.

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:113

Tags:  - trance - Israel - parties - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - Psychedelic - nature - Netrosystem

Parallax page


Dubious alternative psychedelic trance dance.

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:39

Tags:  - trance - techno - Dark - Psychedelic - Acid - weird - South Africa - space - johannesburg - devious .:. Goa .:. Dark .:. Psy .:. Community page .:. Goa .:. Dark .:. Psy .:. Community

Goa / Dark / Psytrance Community with 24h Chat, DJs / Artists info, MP3 tracks & mixes download, Radio / Streaming, Party Info / Reviews, Photos / Videos, Blog, Newsletter, Events, Open Air, Indoor, Outdoor.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:213

Tags:  - community - dj - psy - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - goagemeinde - - b2act - goagemein - 604

Shanti Jatra page

Shanti Jatra

A yearly full moon festival in Nepal.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:110

Tags:  - trance - Dark - Psychedelic - psychedelic network - festival - Nepal - fullmoon - sound system - mountain - kathmandu

Insane Chaos Circuit Recordz page

Insane Chaos Circuit Recordz

ICC brings you several high quality artists whell known around the globe , with an innovative concept in the audio market ,bringing to you an excellent audio quality and at same time a great amount of experimental sounds , a must have to nocturnal psy

Date Added:Nov 8, 2009    Visits:794

Tags:  - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - label - underground - dark psy - ICC - Insane Chaos Circuit

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