Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / Dark + psytrance + D-A-R-K-Records + D-A-R-K-Records + D-A-R-K-Records + D-A-R-K-Records + trance

Relevant Tags – Dark trance psytrance

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D-A-R-K Records page

D-A-R-K Records

D-A-R-K which stands for Digital Audio Record Kompany is a digital and conventional record label focusing on releasing Psytrance, mainly dark fullon and dark/night psychedelic trance. D-A-R-K was born in early 2006, based in Montreal, Canada.

Date Added:Oct 14, 2008    Visits:1456

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - label - fullon - D-A-R-K

Sonic Tantra Records page

Sonic Tantra Records

Full Power Psytrance Label from India

Date Added:Oct 15, 2008    Visits:2135

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - label - India - goa trance - morning - twilight - suomi

Advanced Psychdelic Energy page

Advanced Psychdelic Energy

A.P.E. [Advanced Psychedelic Energy] aka Eran Aharoni (Israel, 1982). Currently Eran's style is a mixture of full on and dark trance with a touch of d&b / Techno.

Date Added:Oct 18, 2008    Visits:379

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - full on - techno - Dark - Psychedelic - A.P.E

Ultiva Records page

Ultiva Records

Experimental dark Psychedelic Trance label from Serbia

Date Added:Nov 21, 2008    Visits:552

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - Psychedelic - label - suomi - Ultiva Records Dark Psychedelic Trance - ultiva - serbia

Frantic Noise page

Frantic Noise

Frantic Noise official website. All about the psychedelic trance live act based in Argentina.

Date Added:Nov 26, 2008    Visits:166

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - Argentina - Frantic - Noise - shamanic

Malice in Wonderland page

Malice in Wonderland

Website of Malice in Wonderland, A Psychedelic Trance Act from Austria.

Date Added:Nov 26, 2008    Visits:902

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - 2to6 records - dead tree productions - dark psy - D-A-R-K Records - Malice in Wonderland

Dark Prisma Records page

Dark Prisma Records

Dark Prisma Records, official website for the psychedelic trance record label based in Argentina.

Date Added:Nov 26, 2008    Visits:321

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - label - Records - Argentina - Prisma

Palex- Dark Psytrance page

Palex- Dark Psytrance

Palex's Myspace- Blog, New Tracks, Booking and Info.

Date Added:Nov 30, 2008    Visits:242

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - Psychedelic - portugal - Palex

Megalopsy page

Megalopsy ::.
Official website for Megalopsy, a psychedelic exploration born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Date Added:Nov 27, 2008    Visits:131

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - Argentina - Prisma - Pandora's Box - Frantic Noise - Megalopsy

DigitalX page


Myspace page of DigitalX, psychedelic trance producer from Cyprus.

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:37

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - psy - Dark - triplag - cyprus - DigitalX - VOC - Dreamcatcher

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