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dark psy
The focus of the Label is to explore the sonic possibilities of psychedelic trance creations within a high level of production quality from artists around the globe to lift up peoples minds into a new and higher state of conciousness!
Date Added:Nov 22, 2008 Visits:7254Bhooteshwara Records is a new music label dedicated to signing, marketing and promoting quality dark and twisted psychedelic acts. Located in Skopje, the capital city of Macedonia, and owned by Valentino Trencev (Blisargon Demogorgon) and Elena Simonovska
Date Added:Nov 24, 2008 Visits:1464Website of Malice in Wonderland, A Psychedelic Trance Act from Austria.
Date Added:Nov 26, 2008 Visits:902Home of Minimal Criminal, a dark minimal progressive psytrance project from Brazil.
Date Added:Nov 28, 2008 Visits:1133Mother Earth was formed in 1998 on Corfu, Greece by Giannis (aka Psychoson) and Doros (aka Full Face), 2 local DJs and artists.
Date Added:Dec 12, 2008 Visits:353Psy Trance Production company and club night in Vancouver, Canada
Date Added:Dec 23, 2008 Visits:734Free Psytrance MP3 Downloads. Psychedelic Trance blog offering links to free, demo, and Creative Commons psytrance music downloads.
Date Added:Dec 29, 2008 Visits:7750Dark Psy Project from Zemun, Serbia. All info and contacts for booking.
Date Added:Feb 1, 2009 Visits:284Cosmic Orgasm is a Montreal based psytrance live act.
Date Added:Mar 17, 2009 Visits:220ICC brings you several high quality artists whell known around the globe , with an innovative concept in the audio market ,bringing to you an excellent audio quality and at same time a great amount of experimental sounds , a must have to nocturnal psy
Date Added:Nov 8, 2009 Visits:794