Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / darkpsy + radio + psytrance
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Psyciety - Tune in drop out
A psytrance, darkpsy & goa fm radioshow plus parties, music & downloads.
Date Added:Dec 29, 2008 Visits:509
PsyKe Out - PsyTrance Internet Radio Show Archive & Resource
Archive of recordings from the PsyTrance Internet Radio show PsyKe Out which ran for around 6 years,covering styles from Progressive/Full on in earlier years and moving to primarily DarkPsy and some Full on in later years.Site also offers other resources!
Date Added:Dec 17, 2008 Visits:586
lockloadplay - Psychedelic Trance Radio
Psytrance radio station that specialises in providing you with the latest Psychedelic Trance music and
mixes in 2011, streaming live Psy music for free 24/7. Sit back and listen to latest Psy Trance styles,
progressive, dark, goa, fullon and more.