Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / free-downloads + electronica
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Boltfish Recordings
Independent Music label specialising in Organic Electronic Music. Free downloads of selected releases available.
Date Added:Dec 11, 2008 Visits:642
BFW recordings
a new netlabel.
we love ambient, shoegaze, indie, experimental and electronica.
all our music is available to download for free.
netlabel tachyon
new netlabel for independent electronic music for free
Date Added:Apr 24, 2010 Visits:398
Aleph Zero Records- Facebook page
Facebook page of leading downtempo elctronica label Aleph Zero. Home of Shulman, Bluetech, Omnimotion, Eitan Reiter & others. Come and interact with the label and its music. News updates, free downloads of live & DJ sets, videos, photos and more.
Date Added:Jun 22, 2011 Visits:227
Ground 202 - Electronic music webzine and netlabel
Ground 202 presents non-profit project that distributes and share music made by independent artists for free. A place where you can enjoy in interesting sounds and relax your mind.
Date Added:Jun 27, 2011 Visits:342