Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / label + trance + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + DJ-Shu-ki + Psychedelic

Relevant Tags – Psychedelic trance label

1 - 10 of 18 results:

Helicon Sound System Records page

Helicon Sound System Records

Helicon Sound System is a contemporary electronic dance music record label situated in Athens. The Purpose of Helicon Sound System is to become a platform for the promotion of Greek music technology and to provide to the dancefloor with the most innovativ

Date Added:Sep 29, 2008    Visits:1150

Tags:  - trance - techno - HSS - Helicon - Dark - Psychedelic - TechnoTrance - Sound - System - label

Quantum Frog Productions page

Quantum Frog Productions

Quantum Frog is an electronic music initiative, born from the experience of psychedelic gatherings in the heart of Mother Nature. We promote heavy psychedelia, and have an international roster of artists.

Date Added:Sep 29, 2008    Visits:606

Tags:  - trance - Psychedelic - Abhimanyu - label - India

Triplag Music page

Triplag Music

Triplag Music - psychedelic trance record label.

Date Added:Sep 29, 2008    Visits:503

Tags:  - trance - psy - Dark - Psychedelic - label - triplag - record - Far East Ghost - CPC - Diablos - Mephisto - Baal - Rawar - Oxidelic - Somarobotics - Zero-Blade - Neutral Ethos

PSYCORE Records page


Psy-Core Records , uk , new psytrance fullon label .

Date Added:Oct 9, 2008    Visits:2307

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Psychedelic - label - UK - Psycore - fullon

Doof Records page

Doof Records

DOOF Records, has its roots deep in the underground scene of Israeli psychedelic trance. The founders are UV and ZIRKIN, after tasting the taste of true psychedelia in their travels, began organizing underground open air parties in 1995.

Date Added:Oct 11, 2008    Visits:2061

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Psychedelic - label - Doof Records - underground

D-A-R-K Records page

D-A-R-K Records

D-A-R-K which stands for Digital Audio Record Kompany is a digital and conventional record label focusing on releasing Psytrance, mainly dark fullon and dark/night psychedelic trance. D-A-R-K was born in early 2006, based in Montreal, Canada.

Date Added:Oct 14, 2008    Visits:1457

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - label - fullon - D-A-R-K

Sonic Tantra Records page

Sonic Tantra Records

Full Power Psytrance Label from India

Date Added:Oct 15, 2008    Visits:2135

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - label - India - goa trance - morning - twilight - suomi

wildthings records page

wildthings records

wildthings records is bringing the finest u.k underground sound to the world of dance.the labels concept is to release original dance music, which delves into the world of psychedlia and mind exploration through sound and groove.

Date Added:Nov 11, 2008    Visits:623

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Psychedelic - label - wildthings

BMSS / Bruder Mond Schwester Sonne / Brother Moon Sister Sun  page

BMSS / Bruder Mond Schwester Sonne / Brother Moon Sister Sun

A collective organising gatherings all over Europe with the aim for connecting the global scene with all its distinction and subgenres. Home of many artists from Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Slovakia. Feel welcome and take a look... :)

Date Added:Nov 18, 2008    Visits:257

Tags:  - trance - parties - flyer - goa - Dark - Psychedelic - label - music - BMSS - Boom Shankar - Fohat - Jazzmine - Psysmael - Gubo

Night Oracle Records page

Night Oracle Records

Psychedelic Trance record label based in Athens, Greece.

Date Added:Nov 19, 2008    Visits:1859

Tags:  - trance - parties - festivals - psytrance - psy - Psychedelic - label - music - psy trance - download

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