Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psychill + Psychedelic + ambient + chillout + downbeat + electronica + dub + downtempo
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A real master of digital downtempo music, Bluetech has been constantly performing all around the world, with his unmistakable and distinct emotional spacey sound. His music is a special morph of dubby beats, classic chillout influences and psychedelic amb
Date Added:Sep 29, 2008 Visits:858
Aligning Minds
The unique and captivating collaboration of two US based producers who use sound to achieve a mutual vision. Ethereal and dubby, uplifting and haunting, their music winds its way through the imaginative souls of its listeners, offering a deep exploration
Date Added:Sep 29, 2008 Visits:444
Easily Embarrassed
Easily Embarrassed is the electronic chillout music project of brothers Nick and Jeffrey van der Schilden from the Netherlands. The website includes EE news, full discography, streams and a forum.
Date Added:Nov 28, 2008 Visits:89