Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psytrance + Dark + D-A-R-K-Records

Relevant Tags – psytrance Dark trance

11 - 20 of 33 results:

Peak Records page

Peak Records

Switzerland based psychedelic trance label.

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:153

Tags:  - chillout - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - ambient - switzerland - organic - ajja - tanina munchkina - master margherita - Peak

Dark Prisma Records page

Dark Prisma Records

Dark Prisma Records, official website for the psychedelic trance record label based in Argentina.

Date Added:Nov 26, 2008    Visits:321

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - label - Records - Argentina - Prisma

Anomalistic Records page

Anomalistic Records

Unique & experimental psychedelic electroninc music.

Date Added:Nov 27, 2008    Visits:415

Tags:  - psytrance - psy - Dark - label - experimental - anomalistic - facehead - weird

Palex- Dark Psytrance page

Palex- Dark Psytrance

Palex's Myspace- Blog, New Tracks, Booking and Info.

Date Added:Nov 30, 2008    Visits:242

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - Psychedelic - portugal - Palex

Megalopsy page

Megalopsy ::.
Official website for Megalopsy, a psychedelic exploration born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Date Added:Nov 27, 2008    Visits:131

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - Argentina - Prisma - Pandora's Box - Frantic Noise - Megalopsy

DigitalX page


Myspace page of DigitalX, psychedelic trance producer from Cyprus.

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:37

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - psy - Dark - triplag - cyprus - DigitalX - VOC - Dreamcatcher

xaBBu page


Myspace residence of psytrance/night psy artist xaBBu.
He is also the mastering engineer for 2to6 Records, the new label ran by Electrypnose (Vince le Barde from Switzerland) and Psyhaama (Louiz from Brazil).

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:211

Tags:  - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - night trance - Mastering - 2to6 records - Brazil - mastering studio - xaBBu

Mind Distortion System page

Mind Distortion System

Main website of Mind Distortion System.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:123

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - dj - Dark - Psychedelic - Live act - night trance - mind distortion system - trishula - lycantrop - MDS

2to6 Records page

2to6 Records

2to6 Records is a small indie label dedicated to psychedelic trance for the late hours of the night.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:291

Tags:  - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - label - night trance - 2to6 records - deep - electrypnose - Baphomet Engine

Psyciety - Tune in drop out page

Psyciety - Tune in drop out

A psytrance, darkpsy & goa fm radioshow plus parties, music & downloads.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:509

Tags:  - psytrance - darkpsy - goa - Dark - radio - psytrance radio - psyciety - psypirate - antagon

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