Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psytrance + fullon
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IMIX aka DJ Anza is Franz Johan Bogendorfer, one of the premier Psytrance producers hailing from the central European hotbed for trance culture, Austria.
IMIX style can be best described as good looking FullOn Trance influenced by psychedelic Funk.
Psytrance, Fullon, Progressive & Freestyle - Record Label, based in Germany
Date Added:Jan 12, 2009 Visits:243News, Updates, Music and Social contact with TechTonic
Date Added:Feb 14, 2009 Visits:45Itchy Vibes is a one-man psytrance project founded in 2006 by Swedish producer Christian Larsson. Check it out!
Date Added:Apr 20, 2009 Visits:705
fresh breeze? - swiss breeze!
producer and liveact in fullon psytrance
Psytrance radio station that specialises in providing you with the latest Psychedelic Trance music and
mixes in 2011, streaming live Psy music for free 24/7. Sit back and listen to latest Psy Trance styles,
progressive, dark, goa, fullon and more.
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