Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psytrance + label + trance + DJ-Shu-ki

Relevant Tags – trance label psytrance

11 - 20 of 20 results:

Ultiva Records page

Ultiva Records

Experimental dark Psychedelic Trance label from Serbia

Date Added:Nov 21, 2008    Visits:552

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - darkpsy - Dark - Psychedelic - label - suomi - Ultiva Records Dark Psychedelic Trance - ultiva - serbia

Jester Records page

Jester Records

Montreal based Techno Trance label now in expansion towards more full-on sounds. Own and ran by Vinny, DJ Clown. First CD release titled REWIRED featuring Spirallianz, Authentik, Three Point Turn, Nuclear Ramjet, Triac + more.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:346

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - techno - label - music - canada - fullon - clown - jester - techtrance - Montreal

Dark Prisma Records page

Dark Prisma Records

Dark Prisma Records, official website for the psychedelic trance record label based in Argentina.

Date Added:Nov 26, 2008    Visits:321

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Dark - Psychedelic - label - Records - Argentina - Prisma

Infinity Loop Music page

Infinity Loop Music

Western Canada's trance connection

Date Added:Nov 28, 2008    Visits:990

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - dj - label - mp3 - netlabel - download - canada - free - media - psyentifica

Metatron Production page

Metatron Production

Metatron Production was established in 2005 by Aran Oren & represents a new wave of uplifting styles in psychedelic trance music, floating between the Psychedelic and the full full on side.

Date Added:Dec 11, 2008    Visits:284

Tags:  - trance - Israel - psytrance - dj - artist - Psychedelic - label - Metatron Productions - Sidhartha - Techndrome

Boundless Music page

Boundless Music

Boundless Music is a label based in the South of Israel, founded by Assaf Weizmann, a.k.a Cortex (Israel) and Paulo da Fonseca, a.k.a Etnarama (England/Portugal), and Benny Ben Yakov (Israel).

Date Added:Feb 1, 2009    Visits:209

Tags:  - trance - Israel - psytrance - full on - label - Hi tech - Boundless Music - Cortex - Etnarama

Trishula Records page

Trishula Records

Trishula Records is an independent Dutch psytrance label, nursing new born psychedelic sounds.

Date Added:Dec 31, 2008    Visits:320

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - psy - label - dance - Netherlands - trishula

Amaris Records page

Amaris Records

Amaris Records - India - Psytrance independent label based in Mumbai India.

Date Added:Jan 6, 2009    Visits:304

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - label - India - dance - Amaris

Insert Collective Rec. page

Insert Collective Rec.

Insert Collective Rec. is a digital label created to middle of 2007 to north of Mexico in Monterrey City, by Henry R. aka Utopic Dreams. Created with intention of promotion to news talent of the amazing country of México.

Date Added:Feb 23, 2009    Visits:192

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - mexico - Psychedelic - label - digital - Utopic Dreams - Insert Collective

Vertigo Records page

Vertigo Records

Vertigo Records was founded specifically in order to unfold and preserve a very
special type of psychoactive music: the sort of music that gives us all a feeling
of motion when everything is stationary, the sort of music that makes you fly

Date Added:Jan 18, 2012    Visits:970

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Psychedelic - label - goatrance - chill out - Russia - Vertigo - vertigo records

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