Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psytrance

Relevant Tags – trance label Psychedelic

111 - 120 of 194 results:

Boundless Music page

Boundless Music

Boundless Music is a label based in the South of Israel, founded by Assaf Weizmann, a.k.a Cortex (Israel) and Paulo da Fonseca, a.k.a Etnarama (England/Portugal), and Benny Ben Yakov (Israel).

Date Added:Feb 1, 2009    Visits:209

Tags:  - trance - Israel - psytrance - full on - label - Hi tech - Boundless Music - Cortex - Etnarama

Mahamudra page


Mahamudra is a Trance/electronic project based in the south of israel.
Members: Ran Malka (1979), Eyal Cohen (1977) Sagiv Ben-Giat (1982).

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:1030

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - free downloads - fullon - Free MP3s - mahamudra - sagiv ben giat - ran malka - eyal cohen - video clips

Organic Dream page

Organic Dream

Organic Dream is a events & party organizer from Greece.
Our aim: through music and dance we hope to bring people from all walls of life, from all creeds and colours together and unite them.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:309

Tags:  - festivals - psytrance - goa - Psychedelic - downbeat - party organiser - events - psy trance - goatrance - party - Greece - Organic Dream

Cortex page


Cortex (Boundless music - Jet Lag Crew) is the psytrance project of Assaf Weizmann from the South of Israel.

Date Added:Feb 1, 2009    Visits:61

Tags:  - Israel - psytrance - full on - Psychedelic - Live act - Boundless Music - Cortex - Jet Lag - Assaf Weizmann

Trishula Records page

Trishula Records

Trishula Records is an independent Dutch psytrance label, nursing new born psychedelic sounds.

Date Added:Dec 31, 2008    Visits:320

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - psy - label - dance - Netherlands - trishula

TUA   page


..::TUA::..Trance Union Alchemy
Italian parties organizers and UV deco

Date Added:Jan 4, 2009    Visits:273

Tags:  - psytrance - Psychedelic - events - goatrance - chill out - party - uv - italy - deco - party organizer - visuals

Sonic Beating page

Sonic Beating

Sonic Beating is a collective of DJs, deco artists, sound techs, lighting specialists, performers, and everything in between. We love throwing psytrance parties in the Boston area and have been doing so for over 8 years; featuring the monthly Psyforia.

Date Added:Jan 4, 2009    Visits:107

Tags:  - psytrance - DJs - collective - deco - sonic beating - Psyforia - boston - string art - lycra

Oaxaca Electronico page

Oaxaca Electronico

Events organizer and music promotion in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.

Date Added:Jan 6, 2009    Visits:597

Tags:  - festivals - psytrance - progressive trance - dj - minimal - mexico - electronic music - promotion - Live act - party organizer - oaxaca

Amaris Records page

Amaris Records

Amaris Records - India - Psytrance independent label based in Mumbai India.

Date Added:Jan 6, 2009    Visits:304

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - label - India - dance - Amaris

IMIX a.k.a. DJ Anza page

IMIX a.k.a. DJ Anza

IMIX aka DJ Anza is Franz Johan Bogendorfer, one of the premier Psytrance producers hailing from the central European hotbed for trance culture, Austria.
IMIX style can be best described as good looking FullOn Trance influenced by psychedelic Funk.

Date Added:Feb 1, 2009    Visits:41

Tags:  - psytrance - dj - progressive - Electronic - fullon - Dancemusic - Franz J. Bogendorfer - Batusim - BABA Records - Planet BEN REcords

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