Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / DJ-sets

Relevant Tags – DJ sets Psychedelic trance

1 - 10 of 11 results:

Earplug - Electronic music E-zine page

Earplug - Electronic music E-zine

Earplug is a bimonthly email magazine covering the electronic music scene — with news, reviews, original features, and MP3 links.

Date Added:Oct 2, 2008    Visits:941

Tags:  - festivals - electronic music - reviews - Earplug - magazine - E-zine - news - features - DJ sets - live sets

Psylent Harmony page

Psylent Harmony

...reality, as an existing quality rather than imagined; actually depends more or less on imagination for its existence. A Psylent Harmony...

Date Added:Nov 13, 2008    Visits:1462

Tags:  - chillout - psytrance - articles - Electronic - DJ sets - free downloads - artists presentation - bookings - psylent harmony

Neurobiotic Records page

Neurobiotic Records

Neurobiotic Records is the first psychedelic trance label based in Italy, and still is in the forefront of the psytrance scene producing some of the most cutting edge releases.

Date Added:Nov 26, 2008    Visits:437

Tags:  - psytrance - full on - label - DJ sets - Edoardo - Joti Sidhu - Polaris - Silicon Sound - Zen Mechanics - Earthling - Antidote - Neurobiotic

Rabbithole page


Psychedelic parties crew and party decorations from Norway.

Date Added:Dec 18, 2008    Visits:168

Tags:  - parties - Psychedelic - party organiser - mixes - DJ sets - DJs - Norway - decoration - deco

Xanex page


Psytrance, full on, freestyle electronica music producer & DJ from Israel.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:99

Tags:  - trance - Israel - full on - dj - Psychedelic - DJ sets - Live act - xanex - bassblast - koza nostra

DJ Preach Trance & Techno DJ Music page

DJ Preach Trance & Techno DJ Music

DJ Preach official website, watch him perform live at godskitchen, planet love, dance valley, creamfields and many more. also download music, interact with him and listen to his global radio show.

Date Added:Mar 17, 2009    Visits:220

Tags:  - progressive trance - DJ sets - trance music - DJ Music - Techno Music - DJ Preach

Melex psytrance radio page

Melex psytrance radio

a web radio at Greece by top names...playing always live from the MELEX RADIO studios

Date Added:Nov 3, 2009    Visits:257

Tags:  - psytrance radio - DJ sets - online radio - Greece - web radio - live radio - melex radio

Trance Mix - Explore the World of Trance page

Trance Mix - Explore the World of Trance

From the rare trance gems, to the majestic trance hits. You will find only the
best Trance Mixes here at Trance Mix dot org.

Date Added:Jun 20, 2010    Visits:186

Tags:  - trance - mixes - DJ sets - trance mix

Aleph Zero Records- Facebook page page

Aleph Zero Records- Facebook page

Facebook page of leading downtempo elctronica label Aleph Zero. Home of Shulman, Bluetech, Omnimotion, Eitan Reiter & others. Come and interact with the label and its music. News updates, free downloads of live & DJ sets, videos, photos and more.

Date Added:Jun 22, 2011    Visits:227

Tags:  - chillout - Psychedelic - Aleph Zero - downtempo - Shulman - Bluetech - Omnimotion - Hibernation - electronica - psychill - DJ sets - live sets - free downloads - psybient - eitan reiter - CUTS

Perfect Stranger page

Perfect Stranger

The website of psychedelic progressive trance techno producer, Yuli Fershtat. Come check the latest news, DJ sets, free music downloads, releases, tour dates, videos, photos and more.

Date Added:Jun 16, 2011    Visits:134

Tags:  - progressive trance - videos - techno - progressive - Perfect Stranger - DJ sets - downloads - photo gallery - digital structures

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