Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / promotion + psytrance
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Sun Station records
A solid new media platform for the development of electronic music talent
Date Added:Oct 7, 2008 Visits:2173
Oaxaca Electronico
Events organizer and music promotion in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Date Added:Jan 6, 2009 Visits:597
B.A.B.A. Bookings & Promotion
B.A.B.A. Bookings aim is to connect international artists to professional event organizers, from coolest underground to most commercial crossover. We aim to ensure highest quality and blasting party vibes for our clients - the entire party nation!
Date Added:Feb 1, 2009 Visits:267
Magnetika Female Artist Agency
An all female artist agency, with talented artists in a multitude of fields- DJing, VJing, Decoration and Design.
Date Added:Feb 23, 2009 Visits:202