Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psychill + psybient

Relevant Tags – psybient psychill ambient

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Ephemeral mists page

Ephemeral mists

Psybient - Psychill downtempo electronica artist. Based out of the U.S., Ephemeral Mists blends psychedelic ambient electronica and world music to make a haunting psybient sound.

Date Added:May 13, 2009    Visits:536

Tags:  - Psychedelic - ambient - electronica - psychill - chill - psybient - Ephemeral Mists

Chillbase page


Chill out global community.

Date Added:Nov 3, 2009    Visits:780

Tags:  - interviews - labels database - community - chillout - videos - releases - psy - ambient - psychill - reviews - articles - psychadelic - chill - artists - psybient - Chillbase

PsyAmb page


A site hosting free weekly psybient/psychill/dub mixes for download.

Date Added:Apr 24, 2010    Visits:743

Tags:  - ambient - psychill - dub - mixes - blog - downloads - psybient - PsyAmb

Aleph Zero Records- Facebook page page

Aleph Zero Records- Facebook page

Facebook page of leading downtempo elctronica label Aleph Zero. Home of Shulman, Bluetech, Omnimotion, Eitan Reiter & others. Come and interact with the label and its music. News updates, free downloads of live & DJ sets, videos, photos and more.

Date Added:Jun 22, 2011    Visits:227

Tags:  - chillout - Psychedelic - Aleph Zero - downtempo - Shulman - Bluetech - Omnimotion - Hibernation - electronica - psychill - DJ sets - live sets - free downloads - psybient - eitan reiter - CUTS

Yestegan chaY page

Yestegan chaY

Yestegan chaY is Asaf Simchy (born 1986) from Israel.
Electronic music producer who mainly focused on Psydub/Psychill music.
His work is characterized by precise electronic beats,dub elements,
a psychedelic touch and big oriental influences filled wi

Date Added:Jun 4, 2011    Visits:166

Tags:  - Israel - chillout - downtempo - psychill - dub - psybient - psydub - Yestegan chaY

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