Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / trance + Psychedelic + dj
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Dj Alloro Cohen Tal
Dj Alloro Cohen Tal Myspace site
free dj sets.
Metatron Production
Metatron Production was established in 2005 by Aran Oren & represents a new wave of uplifting styles in psychedelic trance music, floating between the Psychedelic and the full full on side.
Date Added:Dec 11, 2008 Visits:284
Psytrance, full on, freestyle electronica music producer & DJ from Israel.
Date Added:Dec 29, 2008 Visits:99
PSYKS | Kosova's Psychedelic Trance Community
As an organization that mainly deals with psychedelic trance culture, PSYKS planted its roots at the end of 2004. With the biggest wish to expand the passion for this kind of music and everything related to it, the organization came to this universe.
Date Added:Mar 17, 2009 Visits:169