Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / ambient
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Ambient - Chillout - Progressive and Psychedelic Trance
Production - Management - Booking - Party organizing
SPACE TEPEE MUSIC is a label linking together musicians, DJs, video performers, graphic artists, designers, dancers, jugglers, actors.
A site hosting free weekly psybient/psychill/dub mixes for download.
Date Added:Apr 24, 2010 Visits:743
Siberia based ambient and atmospheric uptempo artist AstroPilot well known
by his releases on Avatar records, and after it Altar Records.
Free Range Beats is a multi-genre netlabel that focuses more on experimentation
instead of imitation.
Global underground psychedelic counter-cultural magazine's website.
dep writes music to awaken the mind and stir the soul. If you like unique, lush electronic music, this is for you.
The official website of electronica/ambient guru Pieter Nooten.
Date Added:Jul 6, 2011 Visits:35