Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / chillout

Relevant Tags – ambient Psychedelic dub

21 - 30 of 68 results:

FM3- Buddha Machine page

FM3- Buddha Machine

The Buddha Machine is essentially a small plastic box that plays ambient loops that repeat endlessly. The machine has its own built-in speaker and there is also a headphone jack for a more personal experience. An experience that is hard to define.

Date Added:Nov 18, 2008    Visits:205

Tags:  - chillout - downtempo - ambient - electronic music - chill - Buddha Machine - FM3 - loops - music box - drone

Echoes page


ECHOES, is a daily two hour music soundscape of ambient and new acoustic music, heard on over 130+ radio stations across the country including New York City, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and Orlando . Echoes is also on-line.

Date Added:Nov 20, 2008    Visits:308

Tags:  - interviews - chillout - Psychedelic - ambient - electronic music - reviews - IDM - radio - Electronic - Echoes - World Fusion - John Diliberto - acoustic - live shows

Layla page


The biggest website in Israel for nightlife, music & culture. Layla publishes many articles and reviews about electronic music.

Date Added:Nov 20, 2008    Visits:1073

Tags:  - trance - Israel - parties - chillout - psytrance - electro - techno - Psychedelic - electronic music - reviews - house - culture - layla - night life - clubs

Bent Intent page

Bent Intent

Bent Intent is Pete Blay [Biosine/Regen - Cairns, AUS]. Incorporating open soundscapes, sneaky rhythms & evolving synthesis - Bent Intent creates a unique blend of downbeat/chill, following the 'less is more approach' - revelling in the spaces in be

Date Added:Nov 21, 2008    Visits:30

Tags:  - chillout - downbeat - Australia - chill - bent intent - cairns - Pete Blay

The Orb page

The Orb

Website of Electronic Music and Chillout pioneers, The Orb.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:124

Tags:  - chillout - ambient - dub - IDM - The Orb - Alex Paterson - ambient house

Mind Tweakers Records page

Mind Tweakers Records

Mind Tweakers Records is a net label based in Brasil and it works with the best there is in psychedelic oriented electronic music. Mind Tweakers release Full-On, Dark Psychedelic, Ambient / Chill-Out and Progressive Psychedelic.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:1384

Tags:  - chillout - psytrance - progressive trance - darkpsy - Psychedelic - ambient - electronic music - netlabel - fullon - Brazil

Morpheus Music page

Morpheus Music

Downtempo, ambient and chillout magazine.
Featuring news, reviews and interviews

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:91

Tags:  - interviews - chillout - downtempo - ambient - electronica - reviews - morpheus - enigmatic - morpheus music

Master Margherita page

Master Margherita

Electronic Music Composer/Producer/Label Owner

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:90

Tags:  - chillout - psytrance - Psychedelic - downtempo - ambient - dub - love - master margherita - organic trance - world music - free style

Interchill Records page

Interchill Records

The Interchill website offers information about the label, its artists and its catalogue. The site is currently being overhauled and will launch in Jan. 2009 with new video content, downloadable mixes from Interchill label DJs and updated artist info.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:610

Tags:  - chillout - label - downtempo - ambient - dub - canada - World Fusion - organic electronica for expanding minds - Interchill

MikelaBella Records page

MikelaBella Records

MikelaBella Records is a record label based in Jerusalem, Israel. Established in the beginning of the year 2007, The label has been give birth to by Itay Berger a.k.a Kukan-dub-lagan/Raijin Gaijin with a goal to push forward new & original sounds.

Date Added:Nov 22, 2008    Visits:193

Tags:  - chillout - electro - techno - Psychedelic - electronica - dub - progressive - minimal techno - downloads - kukan - MikelaBella

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