Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / party + psytrance

Relevant Tags – psytrance party trance

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Psychedelic Nomads page

Psychedelic Nomads

Psychedelic Nomads are a group of djs and part organizers based in Costa Rica, with 10 years of making goa and psytrance parties is one of the oldest promoter of Costa Rica and Central America. Styles include Full On, Progressive, chill out and dark tranc

Date Added:Oct 22, 2008    Visits:761

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - goa - Costa Rica - Psynomads - Psychdelic Nomads - Central America - chill out - party

OOOD page


Live act and DJ collective - the band's Myspace page contains information about their long history, their releases, gigs, audio clips, photos, live videos, links to their full discography, and contact and booking details.

Date Added:Nov 27, 2008    Visits:246

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - booking - dj - goa - DJs - Live act - party - festival - oood - headline - o.o.o.d - performance page is the main portal in the fresh and underground argentinean psytrance scene, where you can find artists & party info thru all the party season.

Date Added:Nov 28, 2008    Visits:1286

Tags:  - trance - portal - forum - community - psytrance - Psychedelic - underground - party - Argentina - Buenos Aires - Scene - Maradona

Mother Earth page

Mother Earth

Mother Earth was formed in 1998 on Corfu, Greece by Giannis (aka Psychoson) and Doros (aka Full Face), 2 local DJs and artists.

Date Added:Dec 12, 2008    Visits:353

Tags:  - psytrance - Psychedelic - party organiser - night trance - party - dark psy - Greece - full face - corfu - mother earth - psychoson

Organic Records Online page

Organic Records Online

The home of Organic Records

Date Added:Dec 8, 2008    Visits:57

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - music - party - voice of cod - chris organic - zuloop - Organic Records

Organic Dream page

Organic Dream

Organic Dream is a events & party organizer from Greece.
Our aim: through music and dance we hope to bring people from all walls of life, from all creeds and colours together and unite them.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:309

Tags:  - festivals - psytrance - goa - Psychedelic - downbeat - party organiser - events - psy trance - goatrance - party - Greece - Organic Dream

TUA   page


..::TUA::..Trance Union Alchemy
Italian parties organizers and UV deco

Date Added:Jan 4, 2009    Visits:273

Tags:  - psytrance - Psychedelic - events - goatrance - chill out - party - uv - italy - deco - party organizer - visuals

Psybotik page


Breaking cultural barriers through the global language of psytrance.

Creating community by dancing until sunrise.

Date Added:Mar 17, 2009    Visits:133

Tags:  - psytrance - techno - psy - party organiser - electronic music - breaks - party - electro house - New York - nyc

Puzzle Project UK page

Puzzle Project UK

Puzzle Project is a monthly Psy, Trance and Hard Party held in Club 414, Brixton!

Date Added:Nov 3, 2009    Visits:46

Tags:  - trance - psytrance - Psychedelic - UK - dance - party - Puzzle Project - Brixton

GOAway - A Psychedelic Dance Community page

GOAway - A Psychedelic Dance Community

Psyberspace for Goa Aliens on Trance Trips

Date Added:May 9, 2010    Visits:383

Tags:  - trance - community - psytrance - dj - goa - Berlin - party - blog - festival - hamburg - Goahighway

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