Free Directory of Electronic Music sites / psychill

Relevant Tags – ambient chillout psytrance

11 - 20 of 23 results:

Kukan-Dub-Lagan My Space Page page

Kukan-Dub-Lagan My Space Page

Kukan-Dub-lagan unique music style can be best described as psy-chill free dub. In simpler words "sunshine music for smiling people"!!

Date Added:Nov 30, 2008    Visits:72

Tags:  - label - psychill - dub - alternative - music - electronic music - online - chill - kukan - kukan-dub-lagan

Easily Embarrassed page

Easily Embarrassed

Easily Embarrassed is the electronic chillout music project of brothers Nick and Jeffrey van der Schilden from the Netherlands. The website includes EE news, full discography, streams and a forum.

Date Added:Nov 28, 2008    Visits:89

Tags:  - chillout - Psychedelic - downtempo - ambient - downbeat - electronica - psychill - dub - Electronic - Netherlands

Terrakroma - US West Coast Progressive Psytrance page

Terrakroma - US West Coast Progressive Psytrance

Our community has a heavy focus on more progressive styles of psytrance. We are a likeminded community of musicians, DJs, bands, promoters, organizers, deco artists, performers, and family members. We gather regularly and look forward to seeing you soon.

Date Added:Dec 29, 2008    Visits:374

Tags:  - community - psytrance - techno - psychill - progressive - USA - terrakroma - culturefamily - west coast



Website of PROGRESS, a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It falls into the abyss between sentience and fantasy.

Date Added:Dec 1, 2008    Visits:133

Tags:  - chillout - psytrance - Psychedelic - ambient - psychill - psytrance artist - psytrance project - Yuriy Vaskevich - PROGRESS



Myspace page of PROGRESS, a discoverer of musical dreamscapes. The music he creates is both organic and electronic. It falls into the abyss between sentience and fantasy.

Date Added:Dec 1, 2008    Visits:45

Tags:  - chillout - psytrance - Psychedelic - ambient - psychill - psytrance artist - psytrance project - Yuriy Vaskevich - PROGRESS

Skygravity festival official site page

Skygravity festival official site

Web site about a electronic festival Skygravity

Date Added:Jan 20, 2009    Visits:101

Tags:  - psytrance - techno - psy - ambient - psychill - electronic music - experimental - festival - Ukraine - skygravity - Black Sea

Ephemeral mists page

Ephemeral mists

Psybient - Psychill downtempo electronica artist. Based out of the U.S., Ephemeral Mists blends psychedelic ambient electronica and world music to make a haunting psybient sound.

Date Added:May 13, 2009    Visits:536

Tags:  - Psychedelic - ambient - electronica - psychill - chill - psybient - Ephemeral Mists

Chillbase page


Chill out global community.

Date Added:Nov 3, 2009    Visits:780

Tags:  - interviews - labels database - community - chillout - videos - releases - psy - ambient - psychill - reviews - articles - psychadelic - chill - artists - psybient - Chillbase

Dream Lab page

Dream Lab

Myspace home to UK & Swedish Chillout Band, Dream Lab

Date Added:Apr 24, 2010    Visits:25

Tags:  - chillout - ambient - psychill - Cosmotherapy - Dream Lab

PsyAmb page


A site hosting free weekly psybient/psychill/dub mixes for download.

Date Added:Apr 24, 2010    Visits:743

Tags:  - ambient - psychill - dub - mixes - blog - downloads - psybient - PsyAmb

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