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Home of the Belgian label Dacru Records. Find all the info about the releases, parties, pictures, ... and of course all the artists. Each artists has a seperate section with news, biography, upcoming and past agenda, discography, ....
Date Added:Nov 19, 2008 Visits:371Psychedelic Trance record label based in Athens, Greece.
Date Added:Nov 19, 2008 Visits:1859No Comment Records is a new independent label based in Warsaw/Poland. The aim of this project is a wide promotion of psychedelic culture and it's creative representatives with their innovate conceptions...
Date Added:Nov 20, 2008 Visits:503Kagdila Records is the treasured child of Majestical Records co-founder Shu-ki Golan.
Date Added:Nov 20, 2008 Visits:505Come dance to the continuously beating drums of creation, that flow with dynamic rhythm patterns and vibrant melodies, which know nothing but to flow into this eternal void.
Date Added:Nov 21, 2008 Visits:435Experimental dark Psychedelic Trance label from Serbia
Date Added:Nov 21, 2008 Visits:552Ukrainian psytrance label, based in Kiev, Ukraine.
Date Added:Nov 22, 2008 Visits:353Montreal based Techno Trance label now in expansion towards more full-on sounds. Own and ran by Vinny, DJ Clown. First CD release titled REWIRED featuring Spirallianz, Authentik, Three Point Turn, Nuclear Ramjet, Triac + more.
Date Added:Nov 22, 2008 Visits:346Bhooteshwara Records is a new music label dedicated to signing, marketing and promoting quality dark and twisted psychedelic acts. Located in Skopje, the capital city of Macedonia, and owned by Valentino Trencev (Blisargon Demogorgon) and Elena Simonovska
Date Added:Nov 24, 2008 Visits:1464Neurobiotic Records is the first psychedelic trance label based in Italy, and still is in the forefront of the psytrance scene producing some of the most cutting edge releases.
Date Added:Nov 26, 2008 Visits:437