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Amaris Records - India - Psytrance independent label based in Mumbai India.
Date Added:Jan 6, 2009 Visits:304Nexus Media is one of the original pioneers of the powerful psy sounds that characterise the South African trance scene. The label is run by two well known producers - Chris Hoy (Shift) and Liam Gibbs (Slug).
Date Added:Feb 1, 2009 Visits:170Insert Collective Rec. is a digital label created to middle of 2007 to north of Mexico in Monterrey City, by Henry R. aka Utopic Dreams. Created with intention of promotion to news talent of the amazing country of México.
Date Added:Feb 23, 2009 Visits:192Psychedelic Trance Label, founded and based in Holland under management of Dj Shawnodese and a team of good friends from all around the world. Our aim is to deliver music that stands out from the masses and not influenced to heavily by fashion and trends.
Date Added:Nov 3, 2009 Visits:205ICC brings you several high quality artists whell known around the globe , with an innovative concept in the audio market ,bringing to you an excellent audio quality and at same time a great amount of experimental sounds , a must have to nocturnal psy
Date Added:Nov 8, 2009 Visits:794Moonloop Records is a record label based in Switzerland, whose contributors have a long and strong presence in the global psytrance scene. Eclectic compilations mixing psy subgenres like progressive, night psychedelia, morning or full-on and ambient.
Date Added:Nov 1, 2009 Visits:328We are a production company and record label from Cape Town, South Africa. We run the longest running weekly Psynight in South Africa along with hosting outdoor festivals in summer and large indoor events in winter. We also have a regular release schedule
Date Added:Nov 1, 2009 Visits:272At the end of 2007 begins a new era with the creation of Andean Tribe which includes a great variety of members coming from all over the world and cultures.
Date Added:May 9, 2010 Visits:174
Vertigo Records was founded specifically in order to unfold and preserve a very
special type of psychoactive music: the sort of music that gives us all a feeling
of motion when everything is stationary, the sort of music that makes you fly